Scheme Basics linkedin github
#lang racket

; Adding two numbers.
(+ 3 5)

; Adding more numbers.
(+ 2 3 5 7)

; Subtraction.
(- 8 5)

; Subtraction with more numbers.
(- 8 5 1)

; Multiplication.
(* 9 5)

; Division
(/ 81 3)

; The Little Schemer,
; The Fifth Commandment:
; When building a value with +,
; always use 0 for the value
; of the terminating line,
; for adding 0 does not change
; the value of an addition.
; When building a value with x,
; always use 1 for the value
; of the terminating line,
; for multiplying by 1
; does not change
; the value of a multiplication.

; Defining names.
(define pi 3.14)

; Retrieving names.

; Anonymous functions.
(lambda (x) (+ x 1))

; Defining and calling
; anonymous functions in one go.
((lambda (x) (+ x 1)) 3)

; Giving a function a name.
(define plusone
  (lambda (x) (+ x 1)))

; Using a function by its name.
(plusone 9)

; Shorthand for defining
; a function
; - avoiding lambda.
(define (cube x) (* x x x))
(cube 2)

; Four arguments.
(define (quadratic a b c x)
  (+ (* a x x) (* b x) c))
; 3x^2 + 2x + 1 with x = 4
(quadratic 3 2 1 4)